You have to decide exactly how 2019 is going to be for you before you step out into the new year!

What are your expectations for the new year?

No, I’m not talking about what your goals are or even what you want… I’m taking about what you demand and expect from yourself over the next 12 months…

What is the standard you expect from yourself and your life over the next 12 months?

What are you actually committed to learning, developing and experiencing in 2019, so that you start to become the very best version of yourself?

I know so many of you are pumped up and excited for the new year, but that isn’t enough….You need to take a stand and decide exactly what you want and know exactly how you are going to get it!

You have to Make your intentions very clear and commit yourself and your entire being to the outcome you truly want.

I want each and every one of you stepping into the new year with a sense of purpose and power and a clear understanding of exactly what is expected of yourself for the next 365 or so days.